Sunday 26 April 2009

Time to grow home

It might seem strange, but to me, the best time to start a business in in the depths of recession. You create an enterprise that is lean, fit, hungry and responsive to market demand. Then, when the economy brightens up, you're in the right place at a very good time.

Of course I already have a business although in reality it's very modest in size. But that's about to change. As my reputation as a writer and speaker grows, more people are asking me to help them give their organisation a boost. Time is my only limiting factor and so the answer is of course to build a team and give them the methodology, skills and support to deliver what people are demanding.

To create some space between me and the business, it has a new website
which goes live in a day or two. Turnpike Farm is the place I live and work. It's also the place where we cultivate success and grow enterprises. It should be fun!