Sunday 2 November 2008

Should all world leaders be left handed?

I've been steering clear of American politics so have only just realised that the candidate for common sense is left handed. I'm hugely reassured.

As well as cancelling World War 3 and encouraging his country to be, well democratic in every sense of the word, he is left handed. This is not unique and he would be I think the USA's seventh left handed president, but perhaps he'll be the first one to seek equal rights for left handed people.

In a world where everything is adapted for people who are different in terms of ability, race, gender, sexual preference, faith, ethnicity and just about everything else, no concessions are made for left handed people. Everything you touch or use has been configured for a right handed person. It's a bloody nuisance and I'm sure contravenes some human right somewhere . . . . . .


Carole Seawert said...

How right you are when you say no concessions are made to left-handed people! After all, we do make up 10% of the population. The problem is, most right handers don't even know there is a problem. Just as well we are well adapted to living in a world designed for right handers.

Carole Seawert said...

Hi again,
Just realised you are also a SubHub customer. (Saw you on their 'Clients' page a while back.) The site they did for me is:

Antonia - Beauty Health Finance and Green Issues Editor said...

It's not entirely true that no concessions are made for left handed people, I have seen scissors for left handed people, and I have seen fridges with doors that can be adjusted depending on whether you are left or right handed.

Anonymous said...

See the last sentance of paragraph 10.

- Don't look at me like I'm left-handed.

Anonymous said...

i mean sentence